
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Thursday, November 02, 2006

end of honeymoon (or going pear-shaped?)

I guess this is the stage in any vso placement where the volunteer begins to wonder if they will ever achieve anything – is it worth while? Are they personally up to it? Or is it better to admit defeat early and return home? I have to keep telling myself that life is only a game and we must not take it too seriously!

My temporary accommodation in the attractive student hostel has now been temporary for over two weeks now. On the first day I accepted a small house in the village subject only to furniture but no action was taken while Pak TO was away on business for a week and then it transpired that the building owner would not accept the sum offered (or was dubious about receiving payment?) so a new search was instigated. This succeeded eventually, within a family house and again subject to furnishings – all would be ready in two days “no problem” but a week later still no sign of completion.

I got me a cheap phone for texting which is the only way people here communicate or arranges things which is ok in English but in Indonesian the texting abbreviations add seriously to any comprehension problems!

With my money that I arrived with running out and the need for a bank account so that vso can start paying my allowance and expenses in my temporary host Pak Biwa goes to some lengths to arrange a ‘residence certificate’ from the local Dukuh so that I can open an account. The certificate is provided on the understanding that I will give the dukuh a free-will gift of 2million Rph although I understand that one million may be found acceptable. I ascertain that a receipt would be available and contact vso for advice (will probably say it is an employer’s responsibility and pass it on to Pak TO ?). Reminds me of the way foreign students in the uk are treated when paying their university fees – but neither practice is surely ethical? As for the speech that the dukuh was wanting me to give to his populace he will have to wait till I decide what payment is appropriate!

My employer Pak TO has made it clear that he sought my appointment as a means of attracting (from vso/spark) funds to pay for 4 or 5 new replacement houses in the village that the government refuses to finance. My physical presence and any skills that I may have are merely a nuisance that he will have to accept to have any chance of getting the money.

Anyway, gripe over for now – the sun is shining as always (will it never stop?), it’s a reasonable temperature sitting outside on the balcony having my morning coffee at 7am. Later I will go with Thomas to the air-conditioned internet wi-fi café to blog and email before getting my haircut and possibly getting my sandals mended, and Pak Biwa has promised to make some potato chips for lunch.....

ps photos not loading today for some reason.... next time maybe?


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