
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Sunday, December 03, 2006

New home

Just 50 days after arriving in Jogyakarta, today I moved into my new home in the village! After explaining ‘incorrigible’ to Thomas he takes me to the Rama wi-fi internet café where I’m able to do a virus protection scan and update, post Bali pictures to the blog and look for Mandungan village on Google Earth – its there! Just inside the high definition Jogya area – mind you the houses are mostly hidden by the trees and I don’t know how to do a screen capture, and I don’t think to mark the location for posting to others – see next time? Siesta and then packing more boxes – how do I acquire so much! Chat to Alice and baby while Thomas is out with the usb flash saving his files to cd and before pirate Priyo comes from Mandungan to fetch me. Thomas still not back so bike will be collected tomorrow, kiss Alice goodbye and we are off. At the village Pak Hari (the laughing policeman) is busy trying to sort out the electrics in the new kitchen area, we find I’ve bought the wrong type of gas bottle on our way. Priyo happily goes of to get it replaced while I start unpacking my suitcase at last, with the help of Hari’s niece 21 year old Niken and her younger sister. Niken speaks a fair English and is keen to practice it. We find the kite in the luggage, happily admired but then younger sister finds a condom packet, not so good! But Niken helps to hide it away and we move onto other topics. The mosquito net is erected with bits of string, some nails and Hari’s help and I’m all set to make scrambled egg on toast for tea together with a tin of beer before texting Thomas about the bike collection tomorrow. A brief walk about the village to see the night life – a group of men in the mosque, a small group of teenage boys with their motorbikes, a couple of less friendly dogs ( must carry that whistle with me) and the odd individual walking or cycling their way home…..and so to bed.


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