
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Autumn in Bridgwater

Entrance to Fore Street from the riverside

Prezza restaurant in the refurbished Cornhill building

Life drawing workshop - I really should practice more between sessions

The leaves on the trees and my Virginia creeper in the back garden are already turning brown and red for the autumn and the mornings are dark and distinctly chilly with still weeks to go before the clocks go forward to winter time.

After my Polish guests returned home I emulated them in buying some chocolate spread for my toast, perhaps after all it is not suitable only for primary school children!

Went to see Norman Lovett at the Art Centre last week – he was the voice of Holly the computer in the TV Red Dwarf series and gave a great presentation in his dead pan voice with a set of inconsequential slides he had taken around the Country

On a less successful but in a more high-tech mode I gave a one hour powerpoint presentation to an old folks group, part of the U3A about my experience in Indonesia. Inevitable problems with the projector but it appeared to go down well and prompted many questions about building with bamboo, religion, politics and corruption.

Have booked tickets for a half term trip to brother-in-law Stephen’s family’s second home in the Vendee region of France for half term. The attractive and ecologically sound route by rail would have cost £179 so I will fly, £15 for the coach to the airport and then £10 for the flight (including airport taxes etc) – how can they make any profit at these prices!


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