
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Monday, March 05, 2012

Vandalism rampant in Madang

"before" picture


After Teptep it was back, if not to civilization then at least to Madang to find that the Mayor who had been given 7 days’ notice by all the councillors to stand aside from his position while his court case (about alleged forgery) was in progress is still in control. It seems that whilst legal the decision has to be endorsed by officials in the District and Provincial Authorities. Officials don’t like making decisions – after all if you don’t make any decisions you can’t make any mistakes

The councillors have also decided that people selling things on the street are a form of life that cannot be tolerated and must be removed. This is despite most of the councillors coming from poor backgrounds and you would expect a better degree of understanding for the underdog, but no matter and we can ignore the law which was passed years ago to allow, and even to encourage this “informal economy” and chase the miserable sods off the streets by brute force if need be (particularly as legal action would not stand up). A handful of traders were working under the shade of the substantial central bus shelter so without any Council resolution and with the connivance of the Town Manager the shelter was stripped of its tin roof and half demolished using a council truck leaving an eyesore and hundreds of pmv passengers frying under the tropical sun. Everyone told me who had done it but I could not believe it and rushed to put up notices asking for eyewitnesses to call the police to arrest the criminals who had damaged public property but apparently to no effect. (the shelter had been a gift from one of the local supermarkets so we may hear more at the Chamber of Commerce meeting later.) at all events I am reminded of my time in a small city in China where the population also saw no point in complaining about the Authorities despite also having elected ‘representatives’.

More news, I’ve been invited by both town and the Provincial officers to extend my contract for another year of two despite the trouble I cause. So am exploring how far I can push them into more support for a production team for the new town plan (including a team car and a gps mapping thingy). Am nearly tempted but must talk to VSO and my doctor and think about it seriously!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Exciting times!
Keep us updated of your plans.
xx hsw

9:09 pm  
Anonymous Val Webb said...

Don't usually comment, but your blogs are SO interesting, feel you should expand them into a book and get published!!

Val (Bridgwater)

11:39 am  
Anonymous Becca said...

Yes! Come home and write a book!
(or stay if you think that's best) How dramatic it all sounds, and lawless!

1:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. Keep posting, assume no internet at home yet ?

9:43 am  

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