
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Once more unto the breach

Bridgwater (in summer)

In July I was invited to apply for a volunteer placement in Zambia, working with the Planning and Housing Ministry to assist in implementing their new Planning Act.
Jumping at the opportunity I applied for the 6 month to 2 year contract and proceeded with training and background research anticipating a departure in December.  As time moved on the placement was defined as being in Kitwe town in the major copper mining area but with a reduced time of initially only 3 months.  Would my employer really think that I could make a useful contribution in that time? Apparently yes and we could also hope for an extension being agreed.

In the UK I have been packing my earthly belongings into the attic so that my house can be let out safely while I’m away, and reluctantly raising money for VSO, the charity arranging the work – it felt like paying to be an intern or asking for sponsorship to do something I was        
   expecting to enjoy anyway, but I guess 
   they need the money and I was pleased to 
   see the number of old friends happy to 
   contribute.  The weather stays mild, 
   intermittently cloudy and sunny with no 
   signs of snow this winter

   In Zambia, following years of an improving 
   economy, peaceful elections and     
   achieving full primary school education 
   despite poverty levels worse than Haiti and
   the Gaza Strip there are new problems.  
   The international price of copper, the 
   Country’s principal export has slumped 
   leading to lost jobs and a halving of the currency’s value.  In addition a drought is seriously affecting both food production and the Country’s hydro-electric power generation.  The beleaguered President, now facing an election in 2016 looks increasingly likely to lose following his wafer thin victory last time.

And so I am looking forward to an interesting time in a warmer climate and, all being well, hope to be able to keep this diary


Blogger Chris G in OZ said...

It's good to see this blog back online, and here is wishing you a successful and very enjoyable time in Zambia and perhaps elsewhere in Africa. Neither of us are youngsters anymore, so you are doing especially very well in taking on this challenge.

I'll look forward to following your activities. Keep well.

Chris G in OZ

9:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More updates?? Please! Xx

8:09 pm  

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