
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Friday, September 28, 2012


After months of negotiation I declined a two year extension to my contract but was seduced by the idea of having some png staff to work with and handling live planning applications – I must be mad, especially given the lurid green colour of my nearly completed office.  So it is for 12 months till October 2013 but includes a paid for Xmas break to Blighty – must get booked soon I hear flights are busy at that time.
Titus, my boss, by the skin of his teeth remains the Town Manager though god only knows for how long and with what consequences for my placement. Seems my allowance and housing costs may be met by technically appointing me as the Town Engineer (a vacant post in the establishment)
Am nevertheless disappointed at not settling down with family and friends in the uk just yet – I will have to suffer the year round hot summer and fending off females wanting visas for Australia and chess matches overlooking the Pacific ocean on Sundays for another year, must visit other parts of this fantastic Country and will buy myself a bicycle to replace the junk heap I use at present. Looking forward to Christmas at home (somebody’s home I hope) enormously though.
 sea water lagoon - town centre
 Madang Lodge
 Yamauan street


Anonymous Becca said...

Robin and Charlie's new house for Christmas (provided their solicitor gets his finger out) and them, Mike, Me, Steve and Liz fighting over you the rest of the time. Look forward to seeing you xb

6:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations - another year in PNG hard life eh, but somebody's got to do it. Look forward to seeing you at christmas! loads of love, Hazel. xx

9:54 pm  

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