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Monday, June 18, 2012

Election fever

Rogue Yama's campaign HQ
 Madang centre architecture
 Public meeting of candidates

The elections here in PNG are in full swing. Only 4 pqople have died in battles between rival supporters, and none in Madang. Politicians seeking re-election have been touring round distributing largesse from their parliamentary funds and in the case of ministers from other sources too like the gaming board etc. Flights have even been chartered to ship cash from the Capital when local banks are closed due to bank holidays
In town the councillors were planning a surprise council meeting to sack the town manager, his deputy and the treasurer (the members not having received their allowances since January due to budget delays) but were foiled by the surely anticipated announcement by the government of a holiday for the queen’s birthday for the chosen date, With members also deeply involved in campaigning any action is postponed, like everything else till after the election.  Near the market on Saturday a political meeting with many of the candidates speaking for five minutes each to a large and attentive crowd – impressive, no fighting, stone throwing or heckling – so Madang can be civilised after all. J
The Council health section served notice on the police to close their cells in the town police station in three days if the toilet drains are not fixed. The response was an announcement on radio Madang that there would be no more arrests in town until the problem had been repaired, presumably after the election like the leaking ceiling in my flat. Suits my doctor though who was about to be charged with abusive behaviour when trying, it seems successfully, to protect a magnificent tree being felled by land grabbing rouges
Cloudy weather the last few days has meant no hot water from the solar thing on the roof and clothes take a little longer to dry hanging under the patio roof – never mind, Sarah cooked a smashing curry at the weekend and I managed to beat her at chess too.


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