
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Pictures of my new bamboo kitchen before I burn it down, the village school 'hello mister Pat!' and Pirate Priyo spending some time here at the organic farming training centre and very helpfull.

Wed 6 Dec

Several days now without writing my diary – must be getting lazy. A quiet weekend back at the hostel where I was living for two months. My rooms together with Biwa’s and Wati’s room are now to be let to a couple of vso volunteers for six months (despite the problems with my rent!). Had a meal with the Aussie atheist Kevin and his Javanese wife, they return to Melbourne in a fortnight. At the wi-fi café have another go at saving the google earth view of my village (I find out later, unsuccessfully) but am able to post the location to Robin at least.

Back in the village every time I meet some of the committee I get a different story about what they need money from vso/Spark for – new houses but different ones each time, a village hall which is costed the same as a basic small house and has no drawings or specification or anything else. The truth is that they simply want the cash with as little restraint as possible, they want to put the money into this single account at the bank to be drawn upon as they need it for whatever. I’ve little doubt that all is well intentioned but the donors will want, reasonably to be able to say that thanks to the contribution x,y and z have been achieved. The five houses already built with money donated by a consortium of banks in Jakarta are to be re-financed with the government aid that has since been offered and the money re-allocated


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