
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Watch doctor

Mon 19 Feb

After buying a new small battery for my little travelling clock in Godean, I am unable – do what I may to get the clock going again. I take it and the old battery with me to the hostel where Thomas fixes it so quickly I can’t see what he has done. Honestly, he must have some witch doctor in his Papuan genes!

For my part I can enjoy a little self-satisfaction in installing my virus protection programme and its constituent parts in the appropriate directories of Alice’s new computer to protect it from rogue CDs and it actually works!

Visit Andrew in his home, back from the hospital after his second operation to fix his broken bones in his right arm. The new operation apparently cost 19 million Rph compared to the 13million for the first one (which had failed) but he is not in pain this time, just bored with inactivity and depressed about his ‘job’ and ‘employer’ who does not seem to know what to do with him.

Setting off to get home in daylight I find that I have a puncture but a neighbour of Andrew’s, apparently a history student a t the UGM university helps by first borrowing a hand pump and then coming with me to find a back street repair man. Embarrassingly I only have a 100k note with me so the student takes it off to Andrew or Athena for change to pay for the new inner tube that someone else has gone to find. On his return the job is soon finished though I notice that the outer tyre too should probably be changed before long. I get change of 20k and a hopefully adequate receipt for 30k. I understand from Athena through a later SMS that she has contributed 40k so that overall I owe or have paid out 120,000 for a 30,000 repair – I really should be more careful, or was it a similar looking red 10k note? We will never know!

Going home in the dark I stick to the main roads rather than risk getting lost or running into something on the smaller lanes, miss out on the major rainstorms that have been circling, but a bit of drizzle and the bike objects strongly, stalling several times before giving in and taking me back to the village to dry out and recharge the mobile.


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