
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Building progress?

27 Jan

Bapak T.O. confirms that plans to start building ‘my’ first two houses on Monday are on schedule but supply problems with everybody, and their dogs building at the same time mean we have to use 8mm reinforcement instead of 10mm. I reckon that the only difference is in the size of earthquake that the house will withstand and give approval to relief of T.O. and Ratiman. Do further work on the drawings for Pak Biwa’s retreat cabins – there is no provision for disabled use and with the substructure already built, adaptation is not practical but mark two design for future cabins can hopefully be modified. Running out of food, check round the corner for eggs but seems they have already gone to market, ‘tomorrow, we will bring them round to you’. Off to Hero supermarket on the bike to find vegetables for a stir-fry and for soup and smoothly back to the village for a salad lunch. Siesta with the fan on but still sweating, this must be the hottest day yet surely! My leg wound is still not healing over as I had expected with leaving it open to the air and while there is no inflammation or infection due to antiseptic cream I consider wrapping it up. I have bandages, antiseptic wipes but it seems no actual dressings in my kit so I will wait to consult fellow volunteers next time I’m in Jogya. Go out on the bike for fresh air despite the helmet, all through the agricultural countryside and along the irrigation canals. There is virtually no open uncultivated land; it would be difficult for hot air balloons to find any landing space, which is a pity because it is such a beautiful landscape. Live stock is either feed in its pens or on the roadside verges, so no fields of grazing sheep or cows, at least in this part of Java – maybe partly the result of a population density of nearly three times that of the uk! At all events so much for the ‘rainy season’, have only needed my rain cape twice so far and while my fridge defrosts reliably during power cuts that coincide with the tropical storms it is now going to have to be switched off to stop it icing up completely.


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