
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

vertical and horizontal networking

Tue 12 Dec

Refreshing swim outside in the pool as the sun rises, again on my own. Discuss life and vso placements with big black bouncy Eunice over a slap up breakfast (must try the omelette tomorrow). Then another day of bonding games, vertical and horizontal networking, creative tension resolution and I might as well have stayed on in my job in the uk! Anyway Johan from the village does a credible presentation about the work of my employer IHHPTI organization in helping farmers to improve their lot – I’ve put myself down for his ‘field trip’ tomorrow. The blood pressure drugs I ordered two weeks ago have not been sent from vso Bali and I’m told to get them here if possible and charge for them. Eunice appears to have had a word directly with the Country Director Anne who is with us this week, and Pak T.O. can apparently expect to receive some penetrating questions about the ‘project’ and my placement (god help us!). In the evening hunt for drugs, get the atenolol, well, collect on Thursday, but the other one not recognised so of to an internet café. Alternative names for the drug found and blog site updated though pictures won’t post today. Email to vso Somerset to thank for colourful west country calendar, finally a street kebab and back to the hotel. Crossing the busy city street at night is even more frightening than in daylight with so many bikes having no lights but I triumphantly survive one more day.


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