
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Thursday, January 28, 2016


So, flying out from Bristol via Amsterdam and Nairobi where there was  traffic delay in taking off but arrived safely with all my luggage and checking in to my hotel at 2 am.  Quite noticeable how many elderly Europeans were on-board, presumably jetting off on holiday or visiting relatives but does show how rich we are compared to most of the planet! 

First thing after breakfast the young lady for whom I had brought a laptop from her sister in Bridgwater, insisted on taking me to her evangelical church where the oft repeated message was that the Lord needed you to give his servants lots of money in the collection. One girl is becoming a missionary and will set up a branch in Stevenage shortly so I guess they need plenty of money.  My hotel is adequate, with hot water, air-conditioning and no beetles but I’m eating in a nearby café or the town centre.  Got lost one morning walking 2km to the office but everyone speaks English and are very friendly. After failing to find any acrylic paints I took a bus trip right out of town by accident – through the settlements and into the more peaceful countryside, maize growing and stone quarries.

The only other volunteers I meet are passing through the office, one going back to her placement after 2 weeks treatment in South Africa following a snake bite, one needing emergency abdominal operation and a third one needing a tooth extracting. Friday I leave for Kabwe where I will be working – a two hour drive in a 4by4 with a cooker, kettle and the like.  Hopefully get my internet dongle working at last so i can post this before I have any further news

ps sorry for delay, faster next time and will try again with pictures, nevermind Lusak is not relly photogenic


Blogger Chris G in OZ said...

The weather there looks to be similar to here, but a few degrees cooler. However wet and humid. I'm sure it will improve as summer passes. Have fun. I guess you are planning on painting too. I will be interested to see your results on line, as well as any photos. Cheers!

10:50 pm  

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