
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Papua New Guinea ?

Having sold a small painting at a village exhibition I was enthused to go on a painting spree, now complete due to exhausted supply of canvasses and inspiration – so now am simply framing up the better ones for future shows or to store in the attic.
The general election is now mercifully over without too much time taken up in making up poster boards and leafleting. As I forecast Labour in Bridgwater came a poor third and despite a large increase in the Lib-Dem vote the incumbent Tory MP sailed effortlessly in again – still, the count was enjoyable and all conducted so professionally.  In the same week my U3A (old folks) discussion group were considering Proportional Representation and surprisingly agreed with me that almost any PR system would be more fair to the voters.
The book I’ve been reading recently is a history of the human race by Michael Cook – an engrossing read comparing and tracing the development of civilizations around the world looking at farming, language and writing, mathematics and calendars etc. annoyingly short on references back to sources but exciting all the same.
And finally, for now – I’ve been offered a job through Voluntary Service Overseas as a town planner in Papua New Guinea, which I have to consider urgently. On the downside I would be missing out on my friends and activities in Bridgwater, my children (though they are certainly all big enough to look after themselves), my house (which I would have to let out) and any potential love life for a year or two. On the other hand a great adventure, working with new colleagues and helping to develop a beautiful Country, possibly my last chance before proper retirement for such an experience. – we will see.

                                                         Bridgwater Man of Mystery

                                                               Canalside view, Bridgwater

                                              Friarn Street, Bridgwater
                                                 Jackie II


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