
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Saturday, December 19, 2009


No news from Voluntary Service Overseas yet as to where I may be posted – frustrating since I would like to be researching that part of the globe – it’s geography, peoples and climate…. Never mind, I’m busy clearing out my attic so that I can store my furniture there and let the house out if I do get away.
Using a ‘freecycle’ website I have so far managed to disencumber myself of some plastic ceiling coving, three boxes of old chemical glassware, a large carpet of a vivid colour that I had brought here from my previous house and a 1930’s hostess trolley with no difficulty.  Downstairs I am going through, and cataloguing my library – so many inherited books that I really no longer need and maybe I can find a book dealer (or two) who would buy some. Others of less value are wending their way, a handful at a time to the Oxfam shop in town.
It appears that none of my paintings this year have sold at the current exhibition, although we wait to see next week when it closes – perhaps it’s the ‘credit crunch’ or perhaps I am passing my creative peak? One week to xmas also, so better get going on preparing for that! HAPPY XMAS everyone!

Arts and Crafts office building in Bristol

the exhibition - my paintings of the town museum and the church

the church at Vouille les Marans - Vendee - France


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