
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Monday, October 18, 2010


  My partner, or boss, am not sure which yet, was away at a conference in Vanuatu last week – admittedly he had expected me a week or two before so it could not be helped and it gave me the opportunity to explore the town centre shops, the parks and housing areas. Some areas quite rich and leafy suburbs close into the town centre and  a few minutes walk away the equally leafy slums of the ‘settlements’ where we have been advised not to enter.  It seems that many people have moved into town looking for work, many finding it but many more not – probably the root cause of a dire law and order problem.

I gather that electricity comes from an inland hydroelectric station and that drinking water, for those who are connected is piped from an inland reservoir although the capacity of each for a full service and the growing needs of industry seems in some doubt.  Rainwater is collected from many roofs and I’ve seen a quantity of solar water heaters although no photo-voltaics except in one shop

The metalled roads are seriously potholed which helps to slow traffic down but is clearly not conducive to walking or cycling and in over a week I have not seen more than 5 bicycles – everyone walks or crams into the small minibuses (called PMVs)

I should be trying to write on a different topic each time but at this stage I’m just overwhelmed with so many new experiences and surroundings!

no pics this time for some reason......to follow later 


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