
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Wild things

At home a cloud of microscopic ants appear at the sign of any food (even wrapped sandwiches) so I am keeping everything in the happily large fridge.  The geckos seem to live on fresh air, are harmless but never stay still long enough to photograph.
Mosquitoes are not as common as one might expect – perhaps they are waiting for the rainy season which is apparently delayed this year but at night I’m quite secure under the netting over the bed.
Out in the bush there are a couple of small poisonous snakes, an adder like ours and a smaller one both of which move fast to get out of your way so I’m told and a modest sized python – fairly rare and one that most humans can easily unwrap if attacked.  Animalwise there are just two to be cautios about – the saltwater crockodile in the marshes near the sea and the cassorary – a bad tempered cross between a chicken and an ostrich.
The rascals, as the large knife wielding thugs are known don’t usually kill people, they any want your money, camera, watches etc. but in the event of a road accident damaging anyone then your life is in serious danger so not to stop – just drive to nearest police station for safety
In the office everyone is much taken by my family photograph, particularly Robin whose beard mkes him look like one of the wild men from the highlands, the town manager even asked for his email address (so be warned!)

the Mayor, Mike Kamu

the Gogol river

Country road

unpaid recycling team at our new rubbish dump


Anonymous Mike said...

I'm growing a moustache for "Movemeber" (charity thing), so maybe I should send a photograph of that when its complete to raise my profile there.

12:54 pm  
Anonymous Ian said...

Looks fabulous - will you be getting a motorbike this time?

11:16 pm  
Blogger bairuide said...

No motorbike this time "you not safe from bandits"

3:19 am  

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