
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Saturday, January 30, 2016


My home

Kabwe town

So, after a week of training, cultural adaption, security etc I’m driven across the plains – like the Somerset levels but dryer and little sign of any livestock.  We stop for a snack at the Frangilla oasis, a guest house and conference centre in wooded and well watered grounds apparently run by some ex-pat Britons. 
In Kabwe I arrive at my compound bungalow to find tiled floors throughout, 3 bedrooms (1 bed), fridge and hot water. Young lady from across the way insists on cleaning the floors and telling me what mops etc I need.  No money was being sought, just friendly help as I seem to be finding all round.  My immediate neighbours are a Japanese volunteer, teaching at the tech and his Filipino wife, and on the other side the deputy Provincial Permanent Secretary and family living here while his predecessor clings onto his official residence in some financial dispute.

My boss Raymond shows me round the town from the derelict lead mine, past the 2 hospitals, the golf course, army barracks to the high security prison.  The town is well spread out, rather dilapidated but with a good quantity of trees providing a green suburban charchter.  The office has a number of qualified planners – all apparently keen to discuss their system and problems with me.  So, after a week of reading reports and files, attending a seminar qhere some nut was encouraging the Mayor, corporation and Chamber of Commerce to think that Kabwe could rapidly become a ‘success’ like Dubai we will see what next week brings.

In the meantime it is the weekend, cold at 15C, raining and not really a day for exploring


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good. Glad you're settling in. A success like Dubai? You've got your remit then?!
Good luck. Keep us updated. Xx HSW

11:37 pm  

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