
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Paradise Island

A Saturday trip to Kranket Island, two miles north of the town and the start of a chain of islands along the coral reef running 20 or 30 miles northwards.  One of the staff from my residential compound comes with me as a guide and un-needed bodyguard and we catch one of the small outboard powered boats that continuously ply between Madang and nearby islands
The Island is beautiful with both traditional and modern metal clad houses set in manicured lawns and shaded by many trees making my umbrella superfluous. No vehicles, no litter, no shops or industry. Electricity was brought here a few years ago by a cable laid under the deep shipping channel and I wonder how the cost of that would have compared to use of photo-voltaics. Water is from a mixture of wells and rain water butts, usually 2000 litres.  Everyone is very friendly and only one dog barks at us, and he is quickly brought to heel by his owner. Brightly coloured dugout fishing canoes are evident and children swim in sandy inlets.
Back in town I find that the Island has doubled in population during the last ten years, many being local people of the same clan who own land in Madang or simply commute to work and shop in town. Environmental health staff from my office visited the island earlier this year to recommend safety practices for the wells after a suspected cholera case and complaints about the often brackish taste of the water. The preferred solution is a mains supply from the mainland although the rainwater source seems satisfactory and how expensive is sea water conversion nowadays?
Near to the flashy new Chinese mining headquarters is a Chinese restaurant called the ‘Hong Bao’ which loosely translates into English as “Brown Envelope” – methinks someone is being satirical!
 Island canoe
 Kranket Island
 More Kranket Island
 Security post at my housing compound
 Cholera isolation section at the hospital


Anonymous hazel said...

Wow, looks beautiful. Cold and miserable here. well, cold anyway... not really miserable! learning about sound waves today, you tried the surf yet?
xx hsw

9:27 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice canoe, water does look very inviting, apart from the cholera - 2000 litres sounds like a lot, for drinking water anyway - not that I know anything ...

12:25 am  
Anonymous Mike said...

that was me by the way

12:26 am  

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