
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Monday, December 13, 2010

Politicians and Prostitutes

Was it an ancient Chinese curse or something from the Hobbit about living in interesting times? No matter, it’s certainly interesting times for me here.  The Prime Minister seems to have been forced out of office, at least temporarily by the Ombudsman who wants an investigation into his apparent forgetfulness in making any tax returns for over ten years.  Before going the PM was quick enough to appoint his old friend, the Governor of Madang Province to be chief justice which may help him as the case progresses.  So, back in Madang do we get a more liberal Governor?  One serious contender I’ve been introduced to is to the right of Ghengis Khan and would treat all the impoverished residents of the illegal shanty towns the way some people in the UK would treat gypsies.

On the home front 3 teenage prostitutes wanted somewhere to stay the night since “it’s not safe on the streets at night” and probably wanted some money as well.  They slept on the floor, they didn’t get money and I didn’t get any sex but they were amenable and returned a few days later with a pile of food which they proceeded to cook a feast with.  One came back a week later with a traditional headdress  from her family’s home region for me to ‘take back to England’ but I believe they have all left Madang now for xmas with their families – I certainly hope so, I don’t need to build a bad reputation so early in my PNG career

Back in the office an application for a new Bank in the town centre amazingly includes a ramp for disabled customers – it is far too steep but can probably be changed and may set a precedent for the future. Of course it may already be a legal requirement, simply ignored like other laws but we will see what we will see what we can do!

 flowerey thing
 Madang Harbour
 Sek Harbour - Industrial marine park and the Adlebert hills
 Siar village on the mainland


Anonymous hsw said...

Wow. Interesting times indeed. Are those red flowerey things coffee?

12:03 am  
Blogger bairuide said...

Parrot beaks apparently or Heliconia = we have a yellow one by the office but I think the red is most striking :-)ozymandias

4:13 am  
Blogger bairuide said...

Parrot beaks apparently or Heliconia = we have a yellow one by the office but I think the red is most striking :-)ozymandias

4:14 am  

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