
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Friday, May 20, 2011

Busy doinz notzinz

Tze climate is too mucz for tze letters between f and I so zard luck.

An Easter break on tze Kalibobo Spirit motor launcz witz a dozen otzers on a luxury trip to tze Sepik river, wzicz must be a mile wide at te entrance and witz the extensive croc infested swamps eitzer side it is small wonder tzat a road bridze zas not yet been built to continue tze nortz coast road [and tzats not countinz tze Ramu river to tze east.]  Anyway zad a zood break, larzley witz ex pat volunteers like myself includinz a younz Japanese volunteer workinz in Madanz as a tourism advisor but travellinz as stoaze witz tze friendly crew. Sir Peter, expat former zovenor and owner of tze szip [and tze Luxury Madanz Resort] is captain and I avoid any discussion witz zis pet enthusiasms for foreizn investment and clearing out tze settlements.  We visit a number of friendly riverside villazes and circle a bored crocodile in a small launcz till it zets bored and submerses.  Tzereafter trips to all tze islands back to madanz, witz snorkellinz, divinz, swimminz and explorinz, and visitinz Sir Peter, anotzer expat colonial’s coconut plantation witz zis 1930’s elezant, verandad zouse in it’s manicured zrounds

zope my keyboard recovers before next postinz [exclamtion mark]
 puk puk
 colonial garden
sip bilong mi


Blogger Robin said...

haha, similar to the story of how Kiribati got it's latinised language but a bit more extreme. Hope the keyboard recoverz.


5:13 pm  
Anonymous barryyoung said...

well written blog. right ratio of detail to impression.
now feel like i have travelled with u.
also glad u weren't eaten by cannibals :o)
have u seen 'keep the river on your right'. doc about old artist returns to new guinea 50 years after he had lived there for a number of years.

8:24 am  
Blogger bairuide said...

thanks indeed- Iwill certainly look up that "keep the river on the right" :-)

9:13 am  

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