
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Monday, June 06, 2011

the law of the jungle

Into the hills again, not by bus but in the back of a pick-up whose driver is recognised by my guide from the Council’s plant nursery.  So, up to the end of the road at Sein village, a few traditional houses set around what could almost be described as a village green and with the church (Lutheran) at one end.  But we are here to see the fabled caves, so another kilometre or so walking and scrambling up and down ravines in the jungle – occasional views out to distant hills but well shaded so not too hot. 

Then the cave, winding its way casually with its stream through the mountain and we wade along with torches illuminating the chattering bats and the stalactites.  As the cave bursts out of the cliff, a waterfall into an inviting pool shaded by the forest – so a swim before climbing back to the village and the long walk down to the main road for a bus back home.

On the Sunday, with so few busses, a quick boat trip across to Biliau Island where a resident rushes down to tell us to go away because the Sepik clan are coming for a fight at two o’clock.  So enough time to look around although things are fairly tence with groups of young men, all with their bush knives (that look so much like cutlasses) parading around.  It seems that the boat accident yesterday when one skiff ploughed into another and the innocent pilot had lost his head from the outboard propeller had led to a need, in the tok pisin language for “payback”.   The offended clan were apparently intent on rape and pillage.  We do leave before kick-off and there is no news about the event in the papers the next day so hopefully no-one  was killed this time.  Never mind, the islanders are all due to lose their homes in the interests of the city centre airport expansion next year unless a pesky town planner can put a spanner in the works!

ps cured frozen keys with an on-screen keyboard at home and a plug in keyboard at the office but now can't add photos for some reason (grrr r).  will try to solve for next edition :-)


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