
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Sunday, February 21, 2016


One and a half days off work with self inflicted food poisoning- with all the power cuts the fridge is really only a cupboard after all. Boss Raymond rang and called round ready to take me to hospital and Philippine neighbour provided a herbal remedy and I recovered.

Blisters on soles of feet through too much walking about but happily fixed and I must take more care

Trip to Lusaka – two and a half hours on a big, crowded bus but comfortable enough.  Doctor pleased to see blood pressure continuing to reduce and adjusts prescription.  VSO happy with the contribution I am making and assure me that my time will be extended, one way or another – to be confirmed within a week.  2 of the 3 travel agents who I was checking out could not be found, my trusted taxi driver reckons they must be ‘suitcase’ businesses and to keep clear – and contacts at the vso office are going to be able to advise. Aquire new camera to replace a good one that seems to have fallen out of a pocket when leaving the plane on arriving in the Country – not nearly as nice but the best that could be found and certainly better than the decaying old one that I still carry.

Back in Kabwe I have found a bakery/snack bar that has brown bread, samosas that taste like samosas, chips not floating in grease and (admittedly bottled) fruit juice,  It is run by a European looking bloke and his family.  He was born here son of an old chap who is still about and has a family with his local wife – the children are blond and blue eyed and all very happy.

pictures next time, using new camera


Blogger Becca said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better - and now drinking bottled juice! x becca

2:19 pm  

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