
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

My Photo
Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Walking in the rain

Small bike shop but big bike, too
cold for biking in the uk tho!

An old 'trojan' car like I had 40 years
ago, but yellow instead of white

The new hardware stall in Bridgwater
covered market

Walking in the rain ( but to be followedby a pub lunch!)

Writing a blog diary in an exotic foreign land, surrounded by exotic foreign people and describing the landscapes, local customs and cultures and my life as an eccentric Westerner is one thing. To do the same from my home here in England would seem so mundane and the people I slag off or satirize might actually read it and commission an assassin to bump me off in the night.

All the same we will have a go and see what becomes of it! I’m still coming down from a high (aided by a racing pulse), which my doc says will recover as he changes my medications and solves a hand full of other minor problems that he has detected.

An outing with a walking group in the Quantock hills became a survival exercise in the mist and drizzle – none of the anticipated panoramic views across the Severn estuary to Wales, and the soggy moorland ponies looking like they just wanted someone to kill them. My electric car has been souped up while I’ve been away and can now do 60 mph and seems happy with any of the local hills but we have yet to see what range I can achieve. My wall calendar is filling up with jazz nights, walk dates, parties and invites and my cold is at last nearly better so Adam who I unexpectedly beat at chess a week ago will now have a chance for his revenge.