
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Friday, August 22, 2008

Cradle snatching

garden scene

bye bye car

Bridgwater supermarket

Time goes on and since no one can surely be reading this any more I can happily resume without fear of friends noticing, as if they would care!

The piles of second hand bricks in my back garden remain untouched, waiting for the builder to turn them into a wall replacing the fence that blew down while I was in Java. I guess he is waiting for winter before starting, we will see, I must give him a ring.

My electric ‘smart’ car has thankfully been sold; the cost of replacing the failing lithium batteries after only three years was too much (and one of the few electronic things increasing in price) and I felt very relieved without regretting the experiment. I’m not seriously looking for a replacement yet, although with my latest love interest it would be great to be able to take her for an impromptu trip by car or motorbike for two hours of oblivion by the sea or in the hills away from reality.

Young visitors from the Czech Republic and Poland for holidays and summer work have provided company and an excuse to watch back episodes of ‘Futurama’, and I’ve also received a kind wedding invitation from the Poznan couple who stayed with me last year.

I exhibited three paintings at the Arts Centre, not sold of course and am preparing others for an October show. I’ve also been accepted for a life drawing course at the sixth form centre in September so perhaps I can at least improve my art skills in the absence of any further foreign work placements.

Public Internet access in Bridgwater is becoming positively third world – my favorite internet café with its ebullient, organic, vegetarian chef is closed for two months to re-open in October with a reduced café element but potentially PCs with usb ports if not webcams – all will be revealed in October. The only other internet café in town seems to have gone bankrupt leaving only the public library with a service. Mind you, several pubs now advertise free wireless internet access which is fine for those of us with laptops.

Back in the house I’ve changed my internet and telephone company to reduce the price by a half, all well so far…keeping fingers crossed! Talking on ‘skype’ around the world reveals many boys wanting an introduction to Manchester United, or sex with me (or both), and many girls (usually hairdressers for some reason) who want money or marriage (or both). All entertaining and as they drop off I am left with a handful of more likely friends with whom to chat and compare life experiences. Daughter Rebecca put me onto the ‘stumbleupon’ search engine providing yet more hours of virtual life as opposed to the real thing.

The chess club summer break has been relieved by occasional games in the sun on the tables outside the internet café but sadly without making any effort to improve my game.

I have also been lazy in missing out on the U3A (old folks club) walks lately although I have been going to the contemporary issues discussion group to argue about Human Rights, the Royal family, Prostitution, foreign aid etc, to little effect given the Daily Mail/Telegraph readers there but fun, stimulating and good experience in logical discussion!

My love life develops slowly, probably make age100 before I get anywhere but current interest is a smashing girl with many mutual interests and attitudes but young enough for me to be her parent making me wonder if I am just a father figure, and also cautious, feeling like a cradle snatcher. Her children apparently guess my age to be 55 which is gratifying (even if therefore seen to be ‘harmless’ maybe?)