
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Friday, February 19, 2010

Year of the Tiger

Another month of silence about any prospect of a further foreign posting – surely a year or two in the Caribbean re-planning and re-building Port Au Prince would be a suitable occupation? It was at the height of the blitz during world war II that the London Planners and Architects were furiously working on reconstruction plans, not waiting for the rubble to be cleared away first! 

Never mind work progresses slowly on fitting the house to be suitable for letting out if I do get away – the new quarry tile floor in the rear porch and toilet is forecast as being laid next week ( though it probably depends on a good fall of snow to drive my handyman to look for an indoor job).

Books – at least the hardcover ones are now all sorted and catalogued, two dealers have offered to come and inspect them so it’s fingers crossed, if I were only able to raise 20% of their street value I would be happy, but other dealers have said that they are not buying at present so we will have to wait and see.  Still, if a sale is not made I can build some more shelves instead of storing them in boxes and now that I know what I’ve got, could even get round to reading a few.

Have finished painting for the exhibition entry date next week, just need the paint to dry, add frames etc and select the four that I am required to submit….

  Nude study

Winter trees

Evelyn's book on trees 1679