
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In the Attic

Still not a sausage of news on the job front but progress in preparing the attic.  It’s now cleared and ready for the foot depth of new, free insulation and with framing built to then support my furniture so that the house below can be let assuming I do get away…. See photographs – almost as exciting as watching paint dry!

None of my paintings were accepted for the exhibition sadly, although looking at those displayed I could hardly be surprised. Never  mind I can use them on a future occasion.  Indeed there is a village exhibition nearby next month where one only has to pay for the space to be able to display work so I may use that again, if only for my vanity.

My old washing machine finally coughed its way to oblivion but co-incidentally an old friend was also taken into hospital for a short stay after a fall allowing me to use his car to take the washer to the tip and to call at the store where my lodger had another washer that we can use whilst she is staying with me. The day afterwards the tumble drier also packed in although as summer approaches I can hopefully use the washing line in the garden more often.

Last weekend I had a cold. Really shouldn’t have two colds in one winter surely!  Whist laid up I got through a history of Australia to 1990 by John Pilger – gripping and illuminating, if also depressing in describing political machinations that seem all too familiar

 New Kiribati painting

 Attic before

Attic after (but before insulation)