
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Papua on Hold ?

The Bridgwater Art Challenge day went well – I sat out in the sunshine on the street for an oil painting of a modest building on the high street.  No hassle, no mess and a painting that I was happy with – not up to the standard of most of the other contestants of course but that was not expected and it will be displayed with another one or two of mine in mid-July just before my forecast departure to Papua New Guinea.

Speaking of which, my prospective ‘employer’ has apparently still to sign the contract, which he had better do soon if he wants me for the end of July as he said.  In the meantime I continue to straighten up the house and garden, showing it off to estate agents for letting and divesting myself of local commitments.  Vaccinations, Xrays, language learning and research into Papua New Guinea continue and I trust that confirmation of the posting will come by this weekend so that I can fix a definite date for the leaving party at last…..


The large magnolia tree opposite my house, in the forecourt of a garage has sadly been felled. Admittedly it was old and held up by a substantial girder but the street is worse for its loss and it is clearly not going to be replaced. Perhaps I should plant one down my back garden although my new multi-hardwood hedge at least is thriving and should be good in a year or two.

'Buddha Bar' in Bridgwater

Seated nude - ink on paper