
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Over the top – nearly

So, farewell to Bridgwater – a great party, wonderful to have so many friends and all went smoothly with sunshine and BBQ. The day clashed with an anti nuclear power station event in the town although with the last Conservative Government’s ‘planning gain’ legislation where developers can provide local government with a slush fund to make their project more palatable and the last Labour Government’s rule that where it is in the national interest then Ministers should make the final planning decision I would not hold out any hope of the new power plant being rejected.  We wait to see how planning works in Papua.

Everything stacked into the attic and keys handed over to the estate agent managing the letting and I was due to stop overnight with the brother-in-law’s family before catching the plane…..
Once again a delay, this time apparently the necessary staff at the PNG embassy in London had gone on holiday so we fly Thursday 23rd instead. At least this has given more time to rest between lives, to see daughter Hazel’s new flat in Plymouth where she resumes studies this term and to replace credit cards that must have been stored away by mistake…. 

ten years ago when I first volunteered abroad I bought my first laptop computer for the sum of £1800, five years ago I bought a new replacement for half the price and now I am leaving with a further aquisition, again at half the price of its predecessor - each machine is a higher specification than the previous - can it really cost so much less to manufacture each time? will it ever end ?

 Warrens at the party

                                           party time

                                                      Attic store

                                     The new YMCA youth centre by the canal