
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Short break

A welcome if slightly weird break with a short trip back to the uk for son Robin’s marriage to his longterm lovely girlfriend Charlie. Great to see family again and bumped into a handful of old friends whilst shopping for marmalade, marmite and other goodies to take back to Madang. A beautifully orchestrated secular wedding in a magnificent rural tithe barn

On my way back I called in to Kuala Lumpur for a couple of days – a vast city with building cranes frantically erecting more and more skyscrapers and new roads with substantial tree planting, probably paid for from the legions of vast advertising billboards which hide much of the greenery.  Was guided round the old centre and china town and taken to an extensive arboretum with acres of impressively tall forest trees in a hilly setting with walks and cycleways – thanks Fadzilah!

Back to a frantic week at the office, with the ink on this year’s budget barely dry a new submission for millions of Kina to repair (or rebuild) the decaying roads in the town being prepared – if successful could just save the Town Manager his job but I’m not betting on it and this weekend a couple of town planners from Aussie land are arriving for a week apparently wanting to meeting the rich and famous ‘stakeholders’. We shall see

Morning rush hour outside the hospital
 Accident outside my compound, white ambulance one side and 'rascals' on near side looting the seats, radio etc

water spout of some sort this lunchtime

Robin and Charlie