
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

My Photo
Location: bridgwater, United Kingdom

Tuesday, April 05, 2016


We never found Wonder Gorge.  Everyone had heard about it but had never been there ā€“ after all its only landscape, not like a shopping mall or cinema.  Never mind, we saw plenty of countryside and my driver/guide knew many of thr small farmers from his agriculture ministry work. Next time must use google earth as well as the map to find the way.  

The journey to Kasama, my new placement, looked promising at 7am with a double decker bus and a window seat but it failed to leave Kabwe and everyone had to wait for a replacement coach from Lusaka. So we left at midday, getting to Kasama at 10pm but happily met by volunteer planner Pete, with whom I am sharing a house ā€“ along with an Irish volunteer when he gets here next month.  The house, a bungalow of course, has four bedrooms, huge living room and a green garden with many trees.  The roof does not leak and there have been no power cuts in my first week. Only the water gets cut off about 5pm each night.

The office is on the other side of the town centre ā€“ probably an hours walk, we will see next week as petrol supplies have dried up and with the hills and the state of the roads Iā€™m not keen on cycling here.  Not  clear at all what work I am doing but meeting colleagues usually with un-pronounceable names and making plans to discuss with our VSO manager when she visits shortly.
painting from Kabwe
My new home
Kasama town